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Q2 2022
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Use promo code 3222

Buy an Opalescence Boost™ whitening syringe 20pk, get a FREE OpalDam Green resin barrier 4pk FREE

Use promo code 3222

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Applicable SKUs: 4754-US, 1825-U. Limit 1 FREE of the 1825-U.


20% OFF 480 ml Endo Irrigation Bottles

Use promo code 9222

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Applicable SKUs: 4614, 4616, 4612, 4613. Limit 3 per office.


Buy 3 Composite Wetting Resin 2pks at full price, and get a FREE 100pk of Inspiral Brush Tips

Use promo code 3222

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Applicable SKUs: 3059, 123. Limit 1 FREE 100pk of Inspiral Brush Tips.


Buy a 500pk of Blue Micro Tips, get a 100pk FREE

Use promo code 3222

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Applicable SKUs: 1436, 127. Limit 2 FREE 100pks.


Buy an Ultrapro Tx Air handpiece at full price, get a FREE 500pk of original DPAs

Use promo code 3222

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Applicable SKUs: 8502, 8318, 8317. Limit 1 FREE 500pk (Automatically applied SKU will be 8318).


20% OFF Chromaclone PVS and Alginate

Use promo code 3222

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Applicable SKUs: 4033, 5502, 4034, 5503, 7601, 5030, 5031, 5020, 5021, 5010, 5011, 5032, 5033, 5022, 5023, 5012,5013, 5040, 7600. Limit 3 per office.


Get 25% OFF when you order (3) 2pks of Triodent® V3 Rings

Use promo code 3222

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Applicable SKUs: 403341, 403342, 403343. Limit three 2pks at 25% OFF.


30% OFF PermaFlo and PermaFlo™ Pink flowable composite syringe kits

Use promo code 3222

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Applicable SKUs: 1273, 947, 948, 949, 952, 954, 956, 612, 1005, 963. Limit 2 per office.

Use promo code 3222 and 9222 when ordering. All discounts off regular price. No quantity discounts. All promotional offers valid through 4/1/20226/30/2022. Quantity limitations depend on specific product promotions. Cannot be combined with any other offer.